#Bible study for today series
The Word in Song is a series of Hymn of the Day Studies to use with the. You'll rest easy knowing your class members have everything they need to participate in your adult discipleship group discussions. View Bible study and prayer guides from The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Our class list tool is especially helpful if you are not meeting in person OR if you wish to give you students extra time to study for your class discussions. Once you receive your weekly teacher email, go to the website and print the lesson of your choice to distribute in class or use our emailing tool to distribute a student version of the lesson in advance. Then, every Thursday, you'll receive an email with the current lessons and links to the material on our website. Students can opt-in or out of receiving the lesson, and you, as the teacher, can easily manage anyone who may choose to unsubscribe or re-subscribe. then your father will again be able to see the light of day. 'Tobit, your son is coming, and the man who traveled with him' 'I am certain that his eyes will be opened. You can add personal messages as well to the weekly lesson using our tool. Anna sat watching the road by which her son was to come. Simply add your students' names and email addresses to easily distribute the lesson without cluttering up your personal inbox.

We provide an easy-to-use, class-list emailing tool that manages your students' information to send the weekly lessons to them with a few clicks of your keyboard.