Should you decide to sell on consignment, you might be eligible for a cash advance. Depending on the situation, the company may send an appraiser to your home. If you sell direct, the process starts with a phone call or email. Regardless of the item, you will have the option to sell directly to Stacks & Bowers or consign the item for auction. The large, built-in number of buyers bodes well for sellers. Stacks & Bowers is known by coin collectors as a great place to find coins for sale.

Last but not least, you can sell coins through Stacks & Bowers, America’s oldest coin auction house. Don’t be afraid to ask how payment will be handled before agreeing to anything. With that, you should proceed carefully when considering selling your coins here. If you make a deal, it is unclear how the transaction will be handled. Fortunately, they can help you find an option that allows you to get the most value. The site itself recognizes that they might not always be the right place to sell your coins. However, they might also point you in the direction of another buyer to help you secure the biggest profit. The process starts with a call, email or text to walk through the coin’s value.įrom there, may make you an offer. In addition to this service, also buys coins. You can even work with a coin expert to figure out the details. The goal of the site seems to be to help you determine the value of your coins.
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You will not be paid until APMEX receives the coins.Īlthough they promise fast payment processing within a day of receiving your products, it is understandable to feel uncomfortable mailing your coins in before you receive payment.Īnother issue with this option is that you’ll have to have at least $1,000 in coins to sell. Next, you’ll have to ship the coins via UPS. Once the team has a good understanding of your coins, they will quote you a price that you can lock in over the phone. You can also submit a form online with the details about your coins. If necessary, the team will help you identify the products. The process starts by calling APMEX to describe what you want to sell. With that, this company has a strong reputation for making good on their deals. Since it launched, the site has bought over $1 billion in products off the retail market. APMEX is one of the country’s largest buyers of coins, currency and bullion.