One pinch is also recommended for dianthus planted from small plugs, especially if they were not pinched in the plug.
One or two foliar applications using a tank mixture of 2,000-ppm daminozide (Dazide or B-Nine) plus 3-ppm uniconazole (Concise or Sumagic) are effective in controlling stem elongation. Place plugs just at soil level, do not plant too deep. Do not allow plants to stay too wet or too dry, as both extremes may lead to root rot issues.

Water well during root development and keep consistently moist for best growth and flowering. Spring planted dianthus often flower before they achieve the desired size.
This results in a full plant with great flower perfomance in spring. Samson stroked quickly down to the wall, tapped, turned, and emerged sleek as a seal to double back past everyone, churning up wake. Watch for aphids, caterpillars and thrips.įor the best results it is recommended to plant small plugs in mid to late summer to bulk prior to vernalization. Dianthus are also susceptible to leaf spots caused by various fungal pathogens such as Alternaria and Cladosporium. Planting too deep could lead to crown or root rots, mainly due to Rhizoctonia and Pythium. Apply appropriate fundicides as needed according to label rates. Keep foliage dry going into nighttime hours. To reduce disease, provide good air circulation and maintain humiditiy levels at 40% to 50%. A good dose of compost or slow-release fertilizer will improve performance.įor consistent flowering it is recommended to vernalize dianthus for 6-9 weeks.
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